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nail ball

A Mongolian game where a rubber ball is covered in nails, and tossed like a combination of Hot Potato and dodgeball. The nails are usually covered in feces to enhance the effect.

Dude, what happened?
I played nail ball with Jerry and Kyle.
That's fucked, dude. You look like a blown apart ham sandwich.
I know. Just call the ambulance.

by Five Seventeen May 4, 2016


The (somewhat) safe alternative to crack-cocaine.

I just did a line of dank memes.

by Five Seventeen May 4, 2016

98👍 21👎

martha's vineyard

The act of filling one's anal cavity to capacity with grapes.

Jerry just gave himself a full Martha's Vineyard

by Five Seventeen August 29, 2016

6👍 1👎

martha's vineyard

The act of filling one's anal cavity to capacity with grapes.

Jerry just gave himself a full Martha's Vineyard

by Five Seventeen August 29, 2016

3👍 1👎