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A picture-based website aimed for the goal of purely laughing your ass off. Although some would argue that funnyjunk is now mainly reposts and "Newfags", I say that it is much better and defiantly a site worth going to. It always makes me smile. The site works kind of like this: You upload a picture, and other users can give it a Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down. The picture with the most thumbs up gets to the top (or the frontpage). For those of you who disagree, fuck you you trolls. Funnyjunk is home and you know it!

Person 1: "Ive never lol'd and fapped at the same time!"

Person 2: "Check out the funnyjunk NSFW section! Its full of hot babes and pictures capable of making you lol at the same time!"

by Fj user: Barack August 22, 2010

581👍 512👎