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shit-fart separator

The shit-fart separator (AKA shitfart separator) is the muscle inside your colon, just above your bunghole, that is responsible for separating shits from farts. Usually a dormant muscle, the shit-fart separator is often only noticed if it's repeatedly squeezing and churning when one has diarrhea. The work of a healthy shit-fart separator usually results in dry farts.

I had bad diarrhea, and my shit-fart separator was in overdrive.

My shit-fart separator failed me and I accidentally sharted a little in my underwear.

by Flambo Blumpkin February 14, 2008

42👍 5👎

Shitfart Separator

The shitfart separator is the muscle inside your colon, just above your bunghole, that is responsible for separating shits from farts. Usually a dormant muscle, the shitfart separator is often only noticed if it's repeatedly squeezing and churning when one has diarrhea. The work of a healthy shitfart separator usually results in dry farts

I had the Big D, and my shitfart separator was in overdrive.

My shitfart separator failed me and I accidentally sharted a little in my underwear.

by Flambo Blumpkin February 13, 2008

30👍 7👎