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A low life faggot who makes fun of people all day and thinks he is cool, he also thinks he is able to get girls but he’s a ugly dick face who is a fake friend

Gavin is a faggot

by Fortnite win taker November 12, 2019

1👍 3👎


A herb/flower used in many forms such as out of a pen in gummies or in papers. Sometime used as slang between others.

“Yo Shmee boy Ian, Im shmeed”
“Yo gavin, you brought the Shmee?”
“No Shmee for you guzup”
“Shmee on me, Shmee on 3”

by Fortnite win taker November 8, 2022

stan heuler

W taker

Stan heuler- takes W’s which means he takes wins

by Fortnite win taker December 25, 2017