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jawline fetish

A fetish for very sharp jawlines

Damn zainab has a jawline fetish

by Fourteen Hundred April 27, 2016

17👍 3👎


1400, otherwise known as fourteen hundred is a hacking group. They are popular in the doxxing (Gaining personal information on one's victim) community and swatting community for targeting high-profile Twitch streamers and rivals that need not see fit in their eyes, they did this by using online resources and proceed to input this information into a data profile (Dox), from this information they would call the local police department (PD) and use a method that they see fit, this would include a hostage method (Claiming that you've got hostages and that you will shoot them if the police come), or a normal swat method (Claiming that you have a gun and killed someone, and shortly after pretending to shoot yourself).

Holy fucking shit! Did you see that swat that 1400 just did! That bitch was nearly shot.

by Fourteen Hundred April 19, 2021

3👍 22👎