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1. objects in the sky, that are very bright and last a very long time
2. people on the stage, that are not very bright and don't last very long at all.
3. a collective word for man's dreams and ideals. His hopes, and his illusion. His longing, and his smallness.
4. a word for pre-destination, Fate.

1. Alpha Centauri is our nearest star neighbor.
2. Madonna is a famous singer, who is a brilliant star

3. "Often I would climb up to the helideck. And lie there, gazing up at the stars of the Milky Way, and far away Galaxies. Across the Space fabric of Time, my small and groping Spirit would wrestle with the enormity -for me- of what I was doing out there. And I would ponder the equal enormity of my insignificance on the Cosmic Scale."

From: A Blip on the Radar "Starry, starry night".

4. It was written in the stars that he would be great.

by Francis Meyrick November 30, 2011

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