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A dick is the hart and soul of a man

I wish I had a dick as big as Kolya

by Fuck you 46893134789076421 August 22, 2019

5👍 3👎


A dick is the hart and soul of a man

I wish I had a dick as big as Kolya

by Fuck you 46893134789076421 August 22, 2019

1👍 2👎


Bitch is a female dog but is also Refer to people which inclines that slut.

Person1: oh my God you’re such a bitch.
Person 2: hey that’s rude piss off you jerk.

by Fuck you 46893134789076421 August 13, 2019


A Renod is someone how is extremely retarded and try’s to jerk off in class

Far out Renod stop jerking off

No I’m not (while stuffing miserable excuse for a pens in his pants)

by Fuck you 46893134789076421 September 2, 2019


A complete Dick head who dose what he wants and lets the rest of the world go to the shit hole

Stop Scummo we need help you bitch

by Fuck you 46893134789076421 January 11, 2020

9👍 2👎


A Jenson is someone how loves sending dic pics.

Oh dame did he just Jenson

by Fuck you 46893134789076421 August 16, 2019

11👍 18👎

pinch of King Neptune's Poseidon Powder

pinch of King Neptune's Poseidon Powder is cocaine.

pinch of King Neptune's Poseidon Powder is also known as the Secret formula

by Fuck you 46893134789076421 August 16, 2019