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Ur daught a thot

The worst insult ever, more destroying than ur ancestors incestors, ur family tree lgbt,ur brother a mother,ur sister a mister,ur grandpap a trap,ur granny a tranny,ur dad lesbian, and ur mom gay. It destroys the receiver's essence from the 5th dimension down, slaughtering them mentally, physically, and instantly massacring their online status from whatever it was originally to nothing but Jake PaulFortniteMinecraftAIDSautismcancer.

Michael: Hey Jeff
Jeff: ur mom gay
Michael: ur dad lesbian
Jeff: ur granny a tranny
Michael: ur grandpap a trap
Jeff: ur sister a mister
Michael: ur brother a mother
Jeff: ur family tree lgbt
Michael: ur ancestors incestors
Jeff: Well, ur daught a thot
(Michael's asshole fucking implodes on itself, his face immediately falls off and his dick explodes, killing him instantly)

by Fucking Destroyed, Inc. March 29, 2018

39👍 12👎

ur bike is in the 3rd reich

Fucking destroys anyone much more than ur daught a thot does. It is the ultimate end for anyone who comes across it and will spell out their doom upon hearing it.

(Michael comes back to life)
Jeff: Holy shit Michael!
Michael: (in fucking Satanic voice) ur bike is in the 3rd reich!!!!
(Jeff fucking dies instantly, his soul visibly rising to Heaven)

by Fucking Destroyed, Inc. March 29, 2018