Source Code

Frosted Toes

When your toes are like little pink toe shaped icicles (they're always pink because of the cold, no matter what skin tone).Sometiems hurts, especially if you pour hot water on them

See:Bathroom Toes


Aww man....I totally have frosted toes...owwie....

by Fucktarded Scarecrow August 1, 2009

4πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Your Place, Or Mine?

A line generally followed by sex

Daniel and Tasha are talking

Daniel:So Tasha your place, or mine?

They both go back to daniels place and do it.


by Fucktarded Scarecrow August 2, 2009

31πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

One Hundred Million Smiling Little Ones

Cum, Spoof whatever you people call it...
Potentail babies usually stopped with a latex implement called a condom

One Hundred Million Smiling Little Ones blinking at me from their latex prison...

by Fucktarded Scarecrow August 1, 2009


When you fart and a little bit or a whole lot of shit comes out.Can also have some quite humourous results..I will now tell you a story....

Once upon a time me, my cousin and his GF were having Macdonalds.My cousin told me (In hushed whispers) that he needed to fart really bad but didn't want his GF to hear.I told him to try and make it an SBD.Colin (my cousin) made a SBD but at a horrible cost....By the time we left the establishment it was on the floor.......I had to go back and clean it up....It was horrific.......................
The moral of the story is....If this happens to you RUN!!! don't go back and clean it up...............

Here are my helpful (Maybe) catergories.

Cat1:Slight wet sensation...You got off easy...

Cat2:Spreads all over inside of boxers/briefs. If your going commando this could be a problem.

Cat3:Soaks through boxers/briefs and wets inside of pants
.If your going commando this is catergory 4.

Cat4:Has soaked through to the outside of pants and has now left a big brown/green mark on back of them.

Cat5:Runs down leg (Really bad if your wearing socks or god forbid...a skirt! 0.0 ....) ......

Cat6: An explosion (Example of it found in story).

Shart (have to say in example)

by Fucktarded Scarecrow September 15, 2009

267πŸ‘ 42πŸ‘Ž


A sudden depression that looms over you when you realise a whole year has passed.

Often the sufferer remembers oppurtunities they let pass in the year, things they put off and friends they lost in the year.

This gloom is contagious so if you think you know someone who has End-Of-Yearitis don't get to close or they will remind you of what went wrong for you in the year.

If your not sure if someone is suffering from End-Of-Yearitis this may help

Symptoms of this include:
-Obvious depression
-Black Marks under eyes from lack of sleep
-General Zombie-like state*
-Lack of New Year cheer
-Reluctance to give gifts (though they could just be being an asshole)

*Like wandering aimlessly around their place of residence, staring into space and being scary lookin'

Time (about 2 months) is only known cure for this disturbing affliction. Though ice cream and sugar in general is known to help sufferer get through it.

This illness can very easily be confused with Suddenly-Dumped-On-Assitis as the symptoms are very similar.

Mark got End-Of-Yearitis and now he's taking it out on me, the bastard

by Fucktarded Scarecrow December 31, 2010

6πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Fucking Loser Retard

NOT to be used on actual mentally retarded people...thats just cruel...

ONLY for use on people who act retarded but aren't

For example....

1.Matt sharted at the party last night and didn't go home to change his pants...the flotard

2.Denise was being such a flotard today in english...Wtf was her problem?

2nd most "amazing" word in the world

by Fucktarded Scarecrow July 31, 2009

10πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

("") =^x^= ("")


("") =^x^= ("") Don't you see it?

by Fucktarded Scarecrow August 1, 2009

52πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž