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Lost Your Ringtone

To tell someone, specifically a significant other: "You Lost Your Ringtone" is a serious sign the relationship is over. A special ringtone is only reserved for those near and dear. It is the ultimate end of the relationship. On the upside, you can give the former ringtone to your new boo. One persons loss, another's gain.

Nitai: I have bad news. You lost your ringtone. Sorry.

by Funny Moms April 27, 2018


Backside is the word used to describe when a guy has permission to enter in the alternative option. In general, all guys like to go up the backside but it's a true honor and gift.

Me: I've been dating Joe for six months, and I finally gave him a season pass to go up the backside.
Friend: Shit really? You must love this guy. Oww

by Funny Moms August 8, 2016

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Munchausens is a rare, possibly ficticious, disorder that is perfect to use in a situation where one has to get in or out of a social obligation, family event, or work or school obligation. It is rare enough, that when you mention it, people raise their eyebrows in awe, not wanting to question this serious condition. Works best to say your 'friend' has Munchausens, because if someone actually does Google it, you won't want them to think you really have it. The perfect 'out.'

Chauncy: "Hey Karen, do you want to go with me to Opera in the Park tonight?"
Karen: "Oh, wow, thanks, sounds great... unfortunately my friend Jill... her Munchausens ....it's bad."
Chauncy: "Sounds awful..."
Karen: "yep... Munchausens... " Then look down, wipe a tear. Change subject.

by Funny Moms September 11, 2016

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A sextathon, like a marathon, but with sex, begins usually in the late afternoon and goes into the wee hours of the morning. Just when you think it will end, it doesn't , because one person just keeps going and going. A sextathon can last hours leaving the parties feeling dehydrated and a bit sore.

I am exhausted, didn't get any sleep. I started this sextathon with my BF and he just kept going , and going. Took me a few days to recover.

by Funny Moms May 27, 2016

Gally gal

Gally gal is an amorous greeting exchanged between two female friends.

Karen: "Hi Gally gal! What's kickin' it up in the hood?"
Brigitte: "Not much gal, I'm thinkin' of riding my bike to your house!"

by Funny Moms December 19, 2014


Guiltmas is used to describe the guilty emotion one feels, specifically around the Christmas/holiday time, when they have failed to do enough giving, sharing joy, caroling, being nice to family & friends, and usually ruined one or more family gatherings. If you have not lived up to the holiday spirit, you definitely understand Guiltmas.

K to sister B: "Mom is still mad because Eli threw up last Christmas and ruined the entire holiday season."
B: "Well she's mad at me, too because I am already ruining Christmas 2016 just because I am getting divorced!"
Karen: "I hate the holidays. Tis the Season, Merry Fucking Guiltmas to all!"

by Funny Moms December 14, 2016

big move

A big move describes the effort one would have to make in order to take an action, or go somewhere. A big move could mean walking two blocks to Starbucks, or driving into the city. It depends on the mind-set of the do-er. A big move requires careful consideration and effort to make happen. The usual decision is 'no' since big moves require too much effort.

K: "Hey Eli, should we head into Berkeley to go to CBCB to buy some kush?"
Eli: "Hmmm I don't know, that's a big move.
K: "Ya, you're right. It's a 45 minute drive... let's chill here."

by Funny Moms February 6, 2018

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