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Aeris is a beautiful human being she is amazing at Vollyball and all sports. Her sprit animal is a goose. She also likes been dips and Chips. She also has a great fashion sense and has silky hair

Aeris is awesome!

by Funny horse7363926 December 15, 2019

3👍 1👎


Delia is a popular girl everyone likes her unless they are a bitch. She often get rude people that are jealous of her as friends but every guy wants her as a boyfriend. She is good at ice skating and all sports and she can pick thinks up really quickly. What’s not to love about a Delia. She is so kind and generous (also smart) her best sport is Vollyball as a setter ( she just doesn’t realize it). She also has a GREAT ass and legs. She has the most beautiful blue eyes and red hair. She is Canadian and Irish and everyone adores her!

1: oh my god is that Delia
1:I wish i could date her

2: she is amazing you got some competition with those other guys.

by Funny horse7363926 December 17, 2019

36👍 8👎