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Put right to the point it means total asshole.

That person hates everyone for no reason at all,i say what's up and he says (FUCK OFF),That's adownright hater

by G DOGG December 14, 2003

11👍 45👎


one who has smoked too much weed and became a bum who can no longer think and make wise choices. making conversation with a burnout is difficult because they fried most of their brain cells.

ur such a burnout, pat!

by G DOGG December 16, 2003

234👍 221👎

hood wink

it means somebody stole somethin

i was hood winked by those thiefs

by G DOGG May 31, 2003

8👍 26👎


poor,tacky,or in this case a helicopter

the swatmeet is so getto

by G DOGG June 4, 2003

38👍 58👎

getto bird

a helicopter,normally used by cops

that getto bird flew right over my head and blind me in the eyes again

by G DOGG June 10, 2003

27👍 8👎

king shit

somethin fit for a king

this lamborghini is KING SHIT

by G DOGG June 11, 2003

68👍 102👎