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flipping the badger

To penetrate a woman back door and then procede to turn her around and punch her is the face.

I tried flipping the badger last night.

by G Unit October 15, 2004

21πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


a poo that shoots straight out of your ass and into the toilet.

Josh just had a sharpshooter.

by G Unit October 8, 2004

23πŸ‘ 44πŸ‘Ž


A vagina.

Betty's wooden dildo gave my vazano some major cricket splinters!

by G Unit May 4, 2004

5πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


an Iranian bad dude that loves Terrel Owens and who plays badminton

come in for dinner farbod

by G Unit March 2, 2005

36πŸ‘ 52πŸ‘Ž

tender chicken

when one has taken it up the butt so much their ass hole has become more tender then chicken boiled for over an hour

my buttbuddy, thanks to me, has some tender chicken

by G Unit December 29, 2005

7πŸ‘ 44πŸ‘Ž


1. A song by the band Jethro Tull

2. The ultimate manifestation of human evil

That hobo over there sure looks like an aqualung.

by G Unit May 1, 2004

44πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž


mocking and joking for the affect of humor.

Katie:Listen to my cough.
Greg:It sounds like a sick cough.
Katie:Are you being sarfecious? I'm really sick.
Greg:No, you really do sound sick, my sweet ghetto deal.

by G Unit February 9, 2004

3πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž