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Pink Belt

(N.) A Homosexual Man who happens to know effeminate Martial Arts. It's also what 50 Cent considers Ja Rule to be.

"Too Sweet" and "Luscious" returned from the dojo and told the class they had become 3rd Degree Pink Belts. Booty!

by G-Union Resurrection May 6, 2005

21👍 10👎

Hulk Hogan

(N.) The most popular and well known WWe wrestler of all time. He used to wrestle bak int he WWF days and had an Irish Whip Big Boot as a finisher. He is known by non-wrestling watchers as "That Wrestling dude who told me to eat my prayers and say my vegetables and/or vitamins." Nowadays, he is in his late 60's and stars in a reality show on VH1 called "Hogan Knows Best."

The WWe's Muhammed Hassan and Khosrow Daivari were given the humilating task of having to "job" (get beaten up in a wrestlinmg match) by old-man Hulk Hogan and his 6' britney-wannabe daughter, Brooke Hogan.

by G-Union Resurrection May 6, 2005

166👍 117👎

Series Finale

(N.) The final episode of a TV series where all mysteries are solved and all questions are usually answered.

Most Series Finales come from arrogant networks canceling their time-tested quality shows for "New Viewers" and do not happen by choice. Only when a long-overdue-for-canceling show (Like "Friends") decides to actually stop doing episodes anymore, are Series Finales by choice.

A Series Finale doesn't count if a show has been on for less than One Season, or 13-22 episodes. So "The Will", "DotComedy", or "Life On A Stick" would not offically have a "Series Finale."

Beginning in 2004, networks started to cancel at least one of their top-rated TV shows, in order to boost ratings for next season. So when The WB's "Angel", UPN's "Star Trek: Enterprise" and Fox's "24" had their Series Finales, they weren't going to come back next year. EVER.

by G-Union Resurrection May 6, 2005

11👍 2👎