Source Code


1. Paved 2 lane rural higway or 4 lane freeway that stretches across the Canadian provinces from Newfoundland to BC. In Quebec, aka: Trans-Canadienne

2. Was the predecessor to Air Canada
Trans-Canada Airlines

Terry Fox walked the Trans-Canada as far as Thunder Bay.

Back in 1947, we flew Trans-Canada to Victoria in an old Constellation.

by G.H. Hadden May 4, 2005

13πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


1 n. Homemade alcoholic recipe native to Newfoundland Canada, similar to moonshine. Is famous for being extremely strong hooch, mixed often with dark rum and colas. So named for American serviceman who gulped the once nameless bootleg drink in one shot and the resulting throat burn caused him to howl.(from a screech recipe web site)

I dranks me screech at that kitchen party, and damn if I didn't pass out on the chesterfield, boyoah! (Not totally accurate Newfie dialog, but you gets the picture.)

by G.H. Hadden May 5, 2005

102πŸ‘ 44πŸ‘Ž


1. n. (pronounced: pay-kist) In Quebec, A supporter of the Parti Quebecois, a French-Canadian ultra-nationalist political organization with the stated goal of destroying the Canadian federation, thereby allowing Quebec to claim independance. They are polictically left wing in ideolgy, but right wing in their definition of the Quebec nation and tactics. See aslo: traitor, racist, language police

2. Derogatory insult aimed at a supporter or card-carrying member of the Parti Quebecois, or of the federal Bloc Quebecois.

That pequiste Jacques Parizeau had the balls to say that the referendum on soverignty was lost because of money and the ethnic vote! Fucking pequiste!

by G.H. Hadden May 6, 2005

32πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž

the Big O

Montreal slang for the Olympic Stadium, where the Expos baseball team and Allouettes football teams have played at various times. Also home to a large and extremely well done natural history museum. Now vacant, except for large expositions such as the Home Show. Charactorized on the Montreal skyline by the slanted concrete tower with a finicular railway running up to the top. aka: The Big Toilet Built for the 1976 Summer Olympics, but the tower was not finished until some time in the late 80's Meant to be the first stadium with a fully retractable roof, it was not fully functional until the early 90's, but the parachute and cable design proved too unreliable.

U2 will be performing at the Big O this evening.

We should've demolished the Big Toilet years ago, before it became the white elephant it is today. We're still paying for it, all these years later!

by G.H. Hadden May 3, 2005

16πŸ‘ 46πŸ‘Ž


1. n. pronounced: fat-wah (From mouslim origin) A (usually) irreversable death penalty or bounty placed on an individual, especailly for betrayal of one's peers or criminal organization.

2. n. Is the ultimate punishment given to any blasphemer who intentionally or unintentionally disrespects the mouslim religion, its leading teachers,imans, moulahs, ayatolahs, or its faithful. A bounty or death sentance.

1. Yo motherfucka... You don't pay up I'm gonna put a fatwa on your sorry sick ass!

2. Salmon Rushdie--How dare you call the Qur'an a book of satanic verses? A fatwa on you, unbeliever!

by G.H. Hadden May 9, 2005

136πŸ‘ 172πŸ‘Ž


In Quebec, A recently arrived french-speaking immigrant, especaially from Haiti, speaking broken gangster english or french with gangster lingo. Highly racist insult, conglomerate of the words "french" and "nigger".

Les Bogarts are a mean gang of crazy Sainte-Michelle friggers with machetes!

by G.H. Hadden May 3, 2005

22πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž


In Quebec provence, a corner news stand that may specialize in finer tobbacco products, such as cigars. Many have their own humidor.

Also common name for a news stand in a train station, bus station or Metro station that may sell finer tobbacco products like cigars, news papers and some tacky souvenirs, but is not per se a souvenir store exclusively. Similar to a Depaneur, but sells only candy bars and snacks, not staple foods like you would find in a dep.

I stopped in at the tabagerie to get myself a copy of Match magazine to help me with my french lessons.

by G.H. Hadden May 4, 2005

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