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collateral drainage

When a male urinates before aiming, presuming the urine will go in the toilet bowl, but it does not.


Hey Maynard, did you pee all over the bathroom floor?


Yeah. Sorry man, collateral drainage, I'll wipe it up.

by Gabe Boyce June 24, 2010

10👍 1👎


cowhore (noun) plural cowhores

: association with other(s),

fellowship, companion(s), guest(s), a group of persons

Listen junior, you and your little cowhores better knock that off...

by Gabe Boyce June 27, 2010

8👍 3👎

sucks the donkey dick

The mid-20th century phrase used to express disdain of a person, place, thing, or particular situation.

Some have expressed the idea that this phrase is the one from which the shortened version of simply "sucks" was derived.

You know what sucks the donkey dick?
I totaled a Dodge Viper and broke my back.

by Gabe Boyce February 23, 2010

7👍 12👎