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My Bulb

That one person you find in times absolute disparity that pulls you out of it; Usually a romantic partner that manages to shift your life completely for the better.

Alex: “Hey, Owen, you’re looking a lot better man.”

Owen: “Yeah man, I met this girl and she’s become my bulb.”

by Gamer big epic August 26, 2023

Kick bricks

A term used for when you want someone to “go fuck themselves” (not in a literal sense.) Typically when you’re either pissed of, or if it’s someone you dislike.

Person 1: “Hey, can I have some chips?

Cool guy: “Pff, no, go kick bricks.”

by Gamer big epic January 22, 2022


The girl Atticus wants to go out with

Maizie would go out with me?

by Gamer big epic March 12, 2020

6👍 3👎

National “I like ya cut g” day

National I like ya cut g is on August 6th

Are you coming to National “I like ya cut g” day with me?

by Gamer big epic August 4, 2020

43👍 8👎


Pok, I used as a slang term for a women’s genitals, specifically referring to the vaginal region.

Cory: “Ay bro, my girl showed me her pok the other day, pretty crazy”

Daniel: “Damn Cory, I see you bro”

by Gamer big epic January 14, 2022

18👍 9👎