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A necessary evil

Math is something (myself included) despise, but without it, we wouldn't be nearly as advanced as we are today.

by Gatch Attack July 22, 2017

3👍 1👎


A determined, yet very insane woman who's only goal in life is to take your kids. They don't even have to be her kids. If your kids are in proximity of Karen, then say goodbye to them because they are her kids now.

Please, Karen, I just want my kids back. It's been five years!

I hate Karen. She took the fucking kids.

by Gatch Attack January 18, 2019

4👍 5👎

Pulling a Mufasa

When your uncle kills your father in order to take over the kingdom and/or family business

Kid 1: Yo! Did you know uncle Bob killed Dad?

Kid 2: Oh shit, bro, why?!?
Kid 1: Uncle Bobwanted to take over the family business.
Kid 2: Damn, I guess you could say he was....Pulling a Mufasa

by Gatch Attack July 22, 2017

4👍 2👎

Flat Earther

Someone who not only believes the Earth is flat, but will also claim any argument against their theory is government propaganda.

I hear Bob is a Flat Earther. We should send Bob up into space so he can get a harsh dose of reality.

by Gatch Attack July 22, 2017

497👍 43👎

Radical Islam

A group of skateboarding Muslims who are totally rad. Their famous catch phrase is, "Allahu Akbar"

Bob: I just won free tickets to a Radical Islam show!

Mohammed: Woah, totally rad! Allahu Akbar!

by Gatch Attack July 22, 2017

42👍 32👎