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A master of all trades; to be devilishly handsome or ravishingly beautiful. O'Toole's are part time gods. They get what they want. More or less a general bad ass. To O'Toole someone is to give them the greatest pleasure they have ever experienced.

"Wow! So few people can get away with that, you must be an O'Toole."

"I had the greatest night last night, he O'Tooled me to the extreme for over four hours straight!"

by Go UCLA December 6, 2007

136👍 30👎


A guy who is extremely confident and outgoing around people. These characteristics make it so extremely hot babes flock to him like Bill Walton flocks to Grateful Dead music. However, a Wim will not make a move on these babes, because he is afraid of them.
Wims take away all of the attention from the rest of the guys in the room, so generally other boys don't like them.

Bro #1: "Dude that guy is pulling a big time Wim."
Bro #2: "Yea bro, if he is going to steal all of the girls, he might as well do something with them. That's like stealing the Mona Lisa and not even looking at it."
Bro #1: "Shit man."

by Go UCLA December 5, 2007

111👍 51👎