Source Code

Corn Flusher

Someone who sneakily tries to flush corn on the cob down the toilet.

Coined by NikkiNacks's father; mentioned in Season 1, Episode 24 of SleepyCast.

"Hey can you go grab that thing off the shelf for me, corn flusher?"

by Goatman Gamer March 31, 2023


Refers to the power, strength, force, or impact of something; similar to "oomph". Typically used to refer to sounds, but is flexible in usage.

In music it refers to a lot of bass, in voice acting it can refer to the passion put into the impression. In movies, shows, books, or lyrics it can refer to the message being powerful or impactful. People with a lot of whumpage can mean they are strong or have a lot of courage.

Coined by Markiplier

Friend #1: "Why is this song is such a banger!?"
Friend #2: "Probably 'cause its got a lot of whumpage."

by Goatman Gamer March 8, 2023

Syrup Fucker

A racial slur used to discriminate and/or insult Canadians.

"I hate those dumbass Canadians. Go buy some Tim Hortons and die you stupid syrup fuckers."

by Goatman Gamer March 30, 2023


An Among Us bean's pussy; the Among Us version of "bussy".

I love going on Among Us rule 34 and looking at all the sweet sussy.

by Goatman Gamer March 8, 2023

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Gami Mommy

Pronounced gaa · mee mom · mee

An attractive ghost girl. While mostly used for shinigami in Japanese media specifically, it can be used to describe more than just anime girls. It is a general term for any ghost girl who you conisder waifu material.

Shinigami from Master Detective Archives: Rain Code has some sweet tits. I get super Gami Mommy vibes from her, dude.

by Goatman Gamer July 14, 2023


a non-offensive alternative term for the word retard.

Since saying retarded or retard are considered crude or offensive against actually retarded individuals, this word allows you to call people retarded with a smiliar amount of effectiveness without making the other people around you offended.

Man #1: "Joe is such a retard."
Man #2: "Whoa! You can't say that!"
Man #1: "You're right. I'm sorry. That was uncalled for. I meant he was a big, fat, stupid, slimy, slobbering, knuckle-scraping goopajitoonid."

by Goatman Gamer March 15, 2023


Archaic form of swung or swang.

Little Harold swong the bat with all hit might and hit a home run.

by Goatman Gamer March 8, 2023