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The name of a preferably 4-9 year old user on games such as League of legends and Counter strike

The numbers at the end can range from 1-9999 but the most seen are 1337,1234,6666 etc

Ay yo friend me "epicman1234" to get free skins

by God of the defs June 20, 2020


A place between Saskatchewan and Alberta where in order for people to like you, you have to act like the biggest stereotypical faggot to ever exist and you have to partake in some sport that has to do with lacrosse or hockey. The moment someone enters the area of this town they immediately start acting like either a wannabe redneck or a fake depressed edgy dumbass.

hey bro i heard you enjoy listening to 100 gecs and playing hockey you're definitely gonna be popular in Lloydminster

by God of the defs October 9, 2021

7👍 2👎

is that a jojo reference

This phrase is usually said when a person or group makes a comment or question that refers to a element from jojo's bizarre adventure.

Guy 1: "Ay dude i ate a slice of bread"


by God of the defs June 21, 2020

66👍 5👎