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No longer living; non existent.

(of an emotion) no longer felt; ended; extinguished.

For some people love turns to hate, those are the ones who seek to destroy the other. For others, it much much worse, you become dead to them...non existent. They never think or concern themselves with you anymore, all of the emotions they once felt are now completely dead. Every memory they had of time shared with you is...erased, to make room for new better, more positive, lasting memories to replace.

by Goddess12* December 22, 2013

6πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


To make indifferent or hostile.

Ana: The truth of the matter is that by their words and actions, they've all managed to alienate me from them.

He said and did everything possible to alienate her because it was only a reluctantship (see Urban Dictionary Definition) on his part.

The intentional and extreme cruelty, controlling and manipulative conduct with no remorse was a clear sign of Psychopathy, something she was all too familiar with and so, it served only to alienate her. She knows that true love involves complete respect, trust, honesty, loyalty, kindness, gratitude, understanding and patience and comes with a sense of security and PEACE.

by Goddess12* December 21, 2013

18πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


1. To hold responsible; find fault with; censure.
2. To place the responsibility for ( a fault, error, etc.)

"Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never harm me" because I know who I am and what I think and feel when I say and do things. So I don't care that you all placed the blame on me for everything that went wrong, it's okay but now you must live with that decision and that excludes me EVER wanting ANYTHING to do with ANY OF YOU...EVER.

by Goddess12* December 22, 2013

19πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Breaking the curse/spell

Something that can only be done by true love, love that is pure, innocent, limitless and eternal. What you read about in many fairy tales but occurs in real life also. A curse/spell occurs when others who are very selfish, discontent, and disturbed are driven by jealousy and envy of someone they wish to be like or with performs cast a spell or through evil thoughts/wishes emit negative energy aimed at destroying the victim and their happiness, usually accompanied by wicked/malicious actions toward the victim. Victims usually radiate beauty, love, joy, peace, cheerfulness, magic, light, all that is good and pure. Victims are usually very kind, caring, helpful, gentle, merciful, compassionate, understanding, patient, tolerant, considerate, forgiving, indiscriminate, friendly, affectionate, humble, pure and innocent but often naive. They know themselves, what they want, how to be happy and love deeply. They are often very gifted, intelligent, beautiful, talented and romantic with a connection to the Divine/Universe. A victim under a curse/spell will come across as being flawed in some way. When the victim's true love appears in their life they will see them for who they really are and recognize that they are under a curse/spell and being just like them will never give up but will fight to overcome all evil and all obstacles loving the victim without condition, overlooking their flaws, forgiving their mistakes, thereby setting them free and breaking the curse/spell.

Sadeaky: You should stay away from him, he is an unlucky guy with nothing to his name.

Ana: No he is under a curse/spell from those who are jealous and envious of him and do not wish to see him happy, I too have been cursed for the same reason. I do not care about the past or the mistakes we've made, I do not care if he has nothing, I care only for him. I love him with a love that is true, pure, innocent and eternal. *Magical noise/music...curse/spell is broken.* Ana's King appears and she falls to his feet.

Sadeaky: I was really wrong, he is a very lucky guy and the man with everything.

The King is no longer scared, grabs Ana by the shoulder and raises her to him. Looking into her eyes he opens himself up to loving Ana with a love that is true, pure, innocent and eternal and having decided he is ready to fight all evil and obstacles to be with her, he kisses her breaking the curse/spell . *Magical noise/music...curse/spell is broken.* She becomes his Queen.

The King, Ana the Queen and their children, extended family and friends live happily ever after teaching others what true love means. THE END.

by Goddess12* December 11, 2013

18πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


When one has received a sufficient amount of something (i.e. bullshit) and does not want anymore.

Ana: I do not want to play your lame game because I'm not the type of woman who plays games as I'm too busy keeping it real so back off because I've had enough and I have my own life toooo!

by Goddess12* December 19, 2013

59πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

Moral of the Story

Lesson to be learned from a story. Something dumb ass inexperienced players don't get.

Winner: I knew what you were from day 1 but you insisted you wanted to play the game with an older, experienced woman so, I let you play. It was fun cause I knew you had no idea what you were in for and up against. The moral of the story, the long ass story was that I am experienced not stupid and you find yourself facing the fact that YOU fell hard not me. YOU wanted marriage and forever, not me. Oh honey, what would make you think that an independent, intelligent, accomplished, beautiful, sexy woman like myself would want to marry a loser with no money and no brains like you? You really think I miss you? What was there to miss, did you ever ask yourself? Compare yourself to me and you can't, I'm way up there and you're way down there. You like to play, did you enjoy it even though you had no chance and you lost like I knew you would. I played you like a fiddle and you fell for it every time hook, line and sinker...tears too lol or hahahahahahahaha! You still like the game? Do you understand the fucking moral of the story you little egyptian piss ass bitch?

Loser crying cause until someone explained the fucking moral of the story to him he would have never gotten it.

Winner: I'm done now with your pathetic little ass, I've got better things to do with my time and better men to fuck.

by Goddess12* February 16, 2014

16πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž


to bring a result opposite to that which was planned or expected.

They never learn even after all the games they play continue to backfire on them.

by Goddess12* December 22, 2013

126πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž