Source Code


When someone tries to correct someone else, but in fact the correction is wrong.

George: I like this champagne.

Pete: Correction, it's actually just sparkling wine. It's only called champagne if it comes from the Champagne region of France.

George,: Actually that's an incorrection, because this sparkling wine IS from the Champagne region of France. So go fuck yourself Pete.

by Gonzo Writer April 18, 2017

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Whiskey Bandage

When you are injured but can't feel it because you are so drunk.

I sprained my ankle I think, but it's fine I can walk I have a whiskey bandage.

by Gonzo Writer June 2, 2013

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When a man has the ability to masturbate with either hand.

My right arm is in a cast but it's okay I'm ambidickstrous.

by Gonzo Writer August 11, 2016

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Maryland Vegan

A vegan who will still eat crabs.

Let's go get crabs! Oh wait I forgot you're vegan.

It's okay I'm a Maryland Vegan

by Gonzo Writer August 29, 2013

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Urban Dictionary

A place where white people go to figure out what black people are talking about. Also known as the Blactionary.


Black friend: It's Saturday night . . . Turn Up!!

White Guy: *thinking* Um, I guess that's a thing . . . I'll look it up on Urban Dictionary



Black guy on vine: THOTs be like . . . yadda yadda yadda

White guy: WTF is a "THOT"? I'll go to Urban Dictionary and see if this deserves a revine.

by Gonzo Writer April 1, 2014

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Liquor Jacket

When you are outside in the cold without a coat but you are so drunk you feel warm.

Similar to a whiskey bandage

Hey Caitlin aren't you cold out here in just that t-shirt?

Nah I'm good I got a liquor jacket.

by Gonzo Writer November 19, 2013

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Passover Aggressive

When Jews trade passive aggressive insults during a Passover seder.

Ester: (to heavy set sister) "I assume you want seconds . . ."

Sister: "No thanks it was a little dry"

Elijah: "I'm not stopping at that house they're being too passover aggressive"

by Gonzo Writer July 19, 2016

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