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A Vulcan security officer on the ship Voyager.

Woman: Are you two friends?

Harry Kim: yes

T’vok: no

by Grass grows, birds fly... April 26, 2021


Another word meaning you just got your ass kicked.

Based off of a old Bud-light commercial where a robot competition was taking place. The contester with a bad ass lookin’ robot goes up against a mini fridge on wheels... The guys try to grab the beer inside the mini fridge then, WHAM! A hugh jass hammer comes out from behind the mini fridge and absolutely destroys the contestants robot.

Person 1: Damn... you just mini-fridged them in that uno game
Person 2: haha get rekt

by Grass grows, birds fly... May 8, 2021

The Borg

The Borg is a collective of humanoids implanted with cybernetic components in the Star Trek universe. They are from the Delta Quadrant and their ships shapes consist of massive cubes, spheres, and even pyramids. Their minds are connected to the hive mind and every drone has lost it’s individuality. The Borg can assimilate entire civilizations in just a day. They assimilate different species to gain their memories and knowledge so they can achieve perfection. The Borg also have a Borg queen, who controls the collective. The Borg has tried to assimilate humanity twice, giving us the Battle of Wolf 359 where the Federation got their butts kicked with 11,000 casualties and the loss of 39 out of 40 ships. Then the Borg tried to go back in time to April 5th, 2063 to prevent the first contact between humans and Vulcans. Thanks to Picard, humanity was not assimilated. The Borg surprisingly actually had a species they couldn’t assimilate. Species 8472 slapped the Borg in the face, having the ability to completely destroy entire planets. The Borg would finally be defeated by none other than Captain Janeway herself, using a viru- ahhhh *gets assimilated* HELP ME- I’M TURNING INT- We are Borg. Yǿʉѓ bĩǿlǿĝĩĉãl ãñd ţêĉĥñǿlǿĝĩĉãl dĩşţĩñĉţĩvêñêşş ŵĩll bê ãddêd ţǿ ǿʉѓ ǿŵñ. Rêşĩşţãñĉê ĩş fʉţĩlê.

The Borg has its famous quote:

“We are Borg. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to serve us. Resistance is futile.”

by Grass grows, birds fly... April 23, 2021

45👍 2👎

I got a bucket of chicken

The perfect pick up line to use to get a date.

“Uh...hey good lookin’... I got a bucket of chicken.”


by Grass grows, birds fly... April 21, 2021