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Cock choked

When a female is face fucking and deep throating and gagging on your hard cock it will cause her to choke on it some actually find real pleasure For themselves in doing this

What happened to you

I just got my cock choked on and forgot to take my shorts off she drooled all on me

Hahahaha what a dumb ass

by Great signal July 21, 2020


Dominic loves listening to R&B music while he eats you out he's a instant panty dropper pussy soaker he has a serious fetish for really sexy women and have women gag on his big dick don’t ask me how I know all of this he is so amazing but he has a masturbation problem and is still able to pull a perfect 10 on accident without even trying

Dominic you love this pussy right

Yeah I wanna suck on it all day baby till it’s licked out

by Great signal July 8, 2020

99👍 7👎


His penis keeps growing longer and longer he’s got a perfect cock perfect for a blowjob sandwich anywhere it’s definitely a thin line between love hate thing when you bring up this dominic but haters are always gonna hate I love him and he will dick you down ladies he is a king

Dominic... your fucking cock got longer

by Great signal September 6, 2020

29👍 2👎


Gets his cock choked and gagged on everyday by some sexy ass women he’s the guy you talk to then instantly want to give him a blowjob he is pretty impressive with the skills he likes to freestyle some sick bars and loves to cum

I can’t go anywhere with Dominic

by Great signal July 20, 2020

6👍 1👎


Dominic loves listening to R&B music while he eats you out he's a instant panty dropper pussy soaker he has a serious fetish for really sexy women and making women choke on his dick don’t ask me how I know all of this he is so amazing but he has a masturbation problem but is still able to pull a dime on accident without even trying

So what happened with you and Dominic

He played some silk and sucked the nut right out of me all day listening to music

I wish I was amia I would dick rape him Every time he went to the store or took a shower

On sight

by Great signal July 7, 2020

4👍 1👎


A horny countryman who is known to tame any stallion he’s ever had he gets all stallion booty he loves footjobs and cumming

Damn she a stallion

I’m glad dominic isn’t here

by Great signal July 21, 2020

5👍 2👎

The sexiest man alive

Sexually irresistible to the opposite sex due to his attractiveness

We just saw the sexiest man alive whip out his thing to take a piss

by Great signal July 9, 2020

4👍 2👎