Source Code


An indefinite period of time, usually assumed by the listener to be at least 2-3 minutes in length. Speakers use it to affirm that the time will be short without any actual meaning or elaboration, despite the fact that the period will likely be more than 120 times longer than stated (see above).

Person #1: Are you done yet?
Person #2: Yeah, it'll just take a second.

-5 minutes later-

Person #1: *visibly impatient* Okay, are you done now?

Person #2: I said, it'll be a second! Geez, some people.

by Green Skies June 27, 2012

8👍 4👎

Urban Dictionary

A website for random slang, and the only two words that we are 100% certain you can spell. Or you may have just copied and pasted a link. I dunno.

(See also: bootylicious, which has no extra typing requirement.)

Congratulations, you know how to spell Urban Dictionary!

by Green Skies July 7, 2012

1👍 1👎