Source Code


When you're both thankfulness and thrilled. Use this word to show that you are not feeling discombobulated and are glad that you haven't received another -F. That would have made you disappointed frfr.

Tyler: Guys I fucked up
Nam: I'm so confused right now
Ben: Nam are you very thankfulnessthrilled?

by Gril Cheese January 14, 2023

Emilio Rodriguez

Some kid who is in tech theatre. Probably has an addiction to video games and plays Destiny 2 while getting angry and makes racist remarks occasionally. His good point lies in his humor, which is non-existent.

Emilio - "Wanna hop on Destiny?"
Josh - "I- I can't I gotta do homework Emilio Rodriguez."
Emilio - "Fuck you Josh, you racist man."

by Gril Cheese April 29, 2022