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A person is a supporter of convicted killer Derek Chauvin

Becky: OMG Tiffany, Brian supports the man who killed George Floyd!!
Tiffany: What a Chauvinist!!!

by Gunner Dangler April 28, 2021

1👍 7👎


A white person who disagrees with a non white person on any issue or ideology the non white person has.

Becky disagrees with Tyrone on how much taxes people should pay! That's racist

by Gunner Dangler March 16, 2021

10👍 65👎


A man who disagrees with a woman or their ideology

P1: Hey Matt disagreed with Tiffany on Twitter!!
P2: He's so sexist!!

by Gunner Dangler March 26, 2021

White supremacy

Any White or Asian person who doesn't affiliate with or call themselves an Antifa member or a Black Life's Matter activist

Hey that White guy doesn't support BLM activists burning down a business. He's so into White supremacy.

by Gunner Dangler March 17, 2021

244👍 50👎