Source Code


Con\con is a run command which, when typed, causes Windows 95 and 98 systems to crash and cue the blue screen of death. This is to do with the fact that con is a reserved device name in MS-DOS and Windows systems.

I typed con\con into the Windows 95 run box, pressed enter and my VM crashed and blue-screened.

by Gypsy Gypsy July 4, 2017

18👍 2👎


WannaCry is a deadly piece of ransomware that started spreading like wildfire threw the internet on 12th May, 2017. The virus works by encrypting a user's personal files and demanding that a $300 ransom be payed in bitcoin in order for the user to get back their files. If no payment is made within 3 days, the ransom rises to $600. If the user doesn't pay the $600 within 7 days, all their personal files will be lost.

A typical message you might get if you're infected with WannaCry is: "Oops, all your files have been encrypted!"

by Gypsy Gypsy June 24, 2017

12👍 2👎