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A common idiom in colloquial speech, or slang term, used by heroin addicts and intravenous drug users to refer to hypodermic syringes used for the administration of drugs; usually in discrete places such as the veins running up the inside and edge of the arm, crook of the elbow, or inner-thighs among other locations on the body.

Etymology: Possible originates from the older tern 'rig" as used to refer to the rig on a horse-drawn carriage together with the horses and harness. 'Horse,' is also a slang nickname for heroin(See definition for 'Horse' as referring to heroin.)

"Dude, I cooked up this fat shot of heroin and tried to shoot it into my vein, but my rig got all clogged up with blood."

"Always use new rigs, and never share rigs with anybody."

by HAL-9000 Computer December 31, 2016

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Also known as 'dope kit.' Is a container where heroin and intravenous drug users keep their hypodermic needles ,cotton filters, dope, and other drug paraphernalia for easy portable access. A crank kit is usually fashioned out a toiletry kit, cigar box, small zipper pencil-case, or any other adequately sized container.

John: "Hey, Mike. You wanna shoot some heroin?"

Mike: "Sure, just give me a minute while I go get my crank-kit."

by HAL-9000 Computer December 31, 2016