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Pigs Ear

To make a right mess of things, to bollocks up a task, either at work, or driving the car, making a faux pas.

a I was filing back some documents and would you believe it, I made a right pigs ear of it, I misfiled everything.

b I made so many spelling mistakes on my document, I made a right pigs ears of it, my boss got the right arse ache. He asked me if I had heard of a spell checker.

c I was backing the car out of the garage, I overshot the drive and smacked it one against the gate post, scratching it. 'What a pigs ear I made of that one'

by HILLY B June 11, 2008

36👍 7👎

Lazy Cow

A woman that is quite capable of doing a days work, but chooses instead to dodge out of her duties. IE, if at work, hiding in the toilets, filing nails, chatting, making personal phone calls.

From 1998 - 1999, I had to "carry" a woman named "Margaret" as well as my own job, the lazy cow used to bug me so much that I wanted to punch her lights out.

by HILLY B May 15, 2007

32👍 6👎


Pants up my arse

Always happens in a awkward moment, ie, standing in a queue, in a important meeting, chatting to people. When you pants have ridden up your bottom crack, that you feel like screaming.

''I would love to stay and chat with you but i have a slight P.U.M.A problem to deal with first''

by HILLY B July 11, 2008

3👍 11👎

Carry - on

A series of British films that starred Barbara Windsor, Hattie Jacques and Sid James. Usually contained high references to sex, with lots of double entendres.

In Carry on Doctor, Babs sees a man eating a pear and says

eg. 'Ohhhhh...what a lovely pear'.

Man 'You can say that again'.

Carry on Camping

'what about those two things sticking out the front' circa Carry on Camping

Sid. 'Yeah, what about them'


Knitting, knit one, carry one, Usually for pearl knitting a sweater. Cable knitting.

'I love to stay and chat, but there's this really good Carry - on film that I want to see'

by HILLY B June 13, 2008

10👍 9👎