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tweeker bay

exciting, cheap deals that are better than ebay provided by your neighborhood crankster which he probably stole so he can buy more drugs at dirt cheap prices.

Hey dude, why are going to bid $40 for that ipod on ebay when you can buy it now at tweeker bay from cranster tony down the street for $10?

by HOT POCKET STOMPER May 27, 2010

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blue mega man

place of orgin: english ebonics
pronunciation: {ba-loo may-gaa man}
definition: noun: new,fresh,peezy,hyphyvery up and coming westcoast hip hop term that began with a hella cool guy, ME! JUST PLAYIN. anywayz given 2 more years, it will common hip hop terms like bi-atch or nigga or black buck rogers or even sierra-dubbbb. ok, it really is just the slang term for the percription pill called valium. this pill can give you restful sleep, perfect anti-axiety medication, the meat in a blue cheese sandwich, but most importantly, if combined with yellow mega man also known as norco, you will transform into super ultra mega man!

hey man, i am feeling slow motion cousin! that blue mega man got me floored. but it's friday, i dont got to work tomorrow, i think im turn into super ultra mega man tonight! rock on!

by HOT POCKET STOMPER January 2, 2009

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so what should we talk about?

it's a great respond to fixing a moment of silence lasting anywhere between 5 to 10 minutes. works great on dates. if said sarcastically, u will usually get a laugh & the funny thing is that it will stimulate a conversation.

we just sat there eating our dinner without much dinner conversation. i had to use one of my lines and said: "so what should we talk about?" she giggled and started babbling about something that happened at school, i pretended i was interested but i could stop staring at her cleavage. at the end of the night, she told me i was a great listener and conversationlist. hahhahahahahaa!

by HOT POCKET STOMPER November 27, 2008

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busy tool

the act of holding something, anything, work related in your hand when there is nothing to do so it appears to the boss that you are working hard or got something to do.

Dude: "Hey dude, we got an hour til the truck gets here. pass me that roll of tape and that tape measurer quick. The boss is coming and I need my busy tool."
Boss: " I need a volunteer to go clean up some puke. You. standing there not looking busy, let"s go.
Dude #2: "I fucking hate you dude.

by HOT POCKET STOMPER May 23, 2010

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blue cheese sandwich

it is the combonation of two somamuscle relaxer), and one bluesvalium. the blues is the cheese and the soma is the bread. i luv em. makes me feel like super ultra mega man. for higher tolerance poppers, i suggest the double blue cheese sandwich. talk about good times. try avoid driving tho because i personally know 3 people that get the munchies and crash their car because blue cheese sandwiches give you mad munchies but makes you slow motion while driving. not a good combe but blue cheese is 4 sho.

sweet, i am in no pain after poppin that blue cheese sandwich. i think im goin for the double blue cheese sandwich and then im going to burgerknig for some grumb and then pass out for about 14 hours. i feel bad for those people who have never tried these blue cheese sandwiches. they work wonders!

by HOT POCKET STOMPER November 27, 2008

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tuff muff

a butch ass dyke lesbian. usually dressed in doc martins, flannel shits, sporting the mullet, has both nose and tongue piercing combined with visibly noticable tattoes to show how bad ass she is. they call thier tongues the lesbo tallywacker. tuff muff tattoed on your knuckles is the extreme case. trust me, i work with one. during sex they are usually the giver not the taker. she wears the strap on everytime, or she is always the stronger of the scissoring action. they love to pick fights with men by calling them breeders or camel foot.

look, that butch dyke is going to kick that dudes ass! she's trying to rip his tea bags right out of his pants! note to self "do not mess with that tuff muff unless you want to get into leglock and your face will be right next to her camel toe"

by HOT POCKET STOMPER November 24, 2008

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