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winner breath

Referring to the horrid mouth stench of a girl.

Also known as "winter breath," to go along with summer teeth

Nelson: "That girl has some real winner breath"
Tyler: "Huh?"
Nelson: "Winner breath hits your face, it smells like dead porpoises"
Tyler: "Ugh! That's terrible"
Nelson: "Winner breath hits your face, it smells like hot garbage"

by Harry Houdini January 4, 2008

3👍 4👎

Patchouli Oil

Hippie perfume.

An oil worn as perfume by dirty hippies in lieu of showering or bathing in any way. Used to mask the scent of marijuana and week old body odor, but usually it merely mixes with the scent to form a new, BO/Patchouli combo that can repulse even those who are olfactorally challenged, except for hippies, who love it.

Fred: I can't go to the war protest because of all the Patchouli oil. It makes me gag.

Hippie: Mmmmmmm, mm, mmm , mmmm. Is that sex I smell?

by Harry Houdini October 26, 2007

440👍 201👎


tired, exhausted, worn-out, weary, bushed, drained

Man I'm zapped from the game

by Harry Houdini October 25, 2007

78👍 22👎