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Alois Trancy

1. A bethren who usually prefers to wear bootyshorts and a coat in the morning.

2. Angelic perfection.

"You are such an Alois Trancy." Claude complimented, admiration visible in his tone and usually cold eyes. "Yeah!" Ciel agreed, wanting nothing more but to kiss the perfect boy right in front of him. "Oh, you both are too kind." Alois gushed, growing red in the face.

by Hello Kitty Fack January 19, 2017

47👍 4👎


1. Somebody who follows you everywhere, whether it be looking inside your house or going to places you are at currently.

2. A person online who is obsessed with you and browses your account, commonly spams you with texts.

''Leave me alone, you stalker!'' the girl shouted at the anonymous figure in the alley way.

''Stop texting me.'' Andy responded to the online message he had received, only to get another one. ''You're a stalker, you know that?'' he typed irritably, finally placing down his phone face flat onto the desk.

by Hello Kitty Fack January 19, 2017

4👍 2👎