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mike bradley

A rich ass motherfucker.

You thought he was white. You're wrong he's half black; just search 'Barack Obama'.

Hi I'm mike Bradley

by Hello guys March 5, 2014

3👍 1👎


Terrell is the hottest black guy you will ever see. He will usually have one on the largest genitials you have seen. He is funny, kind, and one of the best boyfriends. He is athletic and is involved in sports including basketball, football, and baseball. He dresses nice and has good taste.

“I saw terrell omggg!”
“Terrrell is so hot!”

by Hello guys August 12, 2017

26👍 5👎


Terrell is the funniest person you will ever meet in your entire life. He may be conceded at times, but he will always make you laugh. He is also a very friendly person whom cares about others and likes to help them with their problems. Not a very talented singer, but loves to do it anyways. Terrell is a very original guy. You cannot have a conversation with him and not laugh. It's IMPOSSIBLE! Terrell is athletic and is usually involved in basketball, football, and baseball. He is known for having an extremely large peiuns. He is a great boyfriend And he treats his women with respect. He is the HOTTEST black guy ever!!!

“Omg!!! I saw terrell”
“I saw terrell at the basketball court today”

by Hello guys August 12, 2017

12👍 3👎