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(Noun) The name of your buddy's girl's lover when he's away, because she rides him.

Dudemar Majoris: Hey man, you know our homie Major Shart? his girl is fooling around with another dude I call Camel, instead of Sancho.

High Hiter: Why you call him Camel instead of Sancho?

Dudemar Majoris: I call him Camel because he humps twice. Sancho is a one-hit wonder.

by High Hiter August 9, 2018

46πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Deuce Bigalow

An Outdoor Shit that steams in the winter and starts fires during the summer.

Major Shart: "Holy Fuck, did you see that Deuce Bigalow that I just dropped in front of that forest Snowman?"

Joe Mama: "How couldn't I? There's a raging forest fire now! Pull your pants up quick before the heat from the flames scorches off your bun hairs and we're gonna have to nick-name you twinkie cheeks!"

by High Hiter October 25, 2017

45πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


(Noun). A Triflin', Low-down, no-good, stank bitch (see: "Beeyatch" and "Cock Jockey)

A-Mark: Baby, you are the finest, purest, most real classy lady I have ever had the privilege to know.

Hee-zoooh: You're so sweet, I'll see you in a few hours, had to put in over-time. bye!

A-Mark: K

(Lady she's fooling with in background): "Bitch, you my lady, why you fooling with that bitch-ass trick, you Hee-zoooh! I'm about to call me up a hot male Stallion who's tha Schiznit! - peace!"

by High Hiter August 9, 2018

twinkie cheeks

Slang statement for a masculine man who has extremely bald, hairless, ass cheeks.

Homeboy: Man, your butt is so smooth and hairless, I think I might name you twinkie cheeks!

Twinkie Cheeks: shut up, miron. Don't you know it's un-natural to stare at your homies ass.

(Homeboy's girlfriend is rolling video and spanking her own buns and frothing at the mouth, immediately afterwards runs out and buys a box of twinkies and a french tickler).

by High Hiter June 30, 2018

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(Noun) Rhetorical Short-form slang adaptation of (It's the) "Shit isn't it?"

Big Pimpin: "Yo, homie, I just dropped a deuce on the President's front lawn, he was so mad he tweeted about it and tried to blame it on immigration"

Fan: "Man, you're the Schiznit"

Big Pimpin': Yep, and the President is just shit.

by High Hiter October 23, 2017

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The Heat

Police Officers, looking to bust a motha fucka, guilty or innocent. Also, unwanted attention from tha police.

Jim Bob: i'm fixin' to score me some Hillbilly Heroin

Jed: Don't do that! Or The Heat will bust you.

by High Hiter October 30, 2018

8πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Throwing the heat

Accusing another of a wrong, in order to call attention to them and away from yourself.

C-Murda(hiding stolen bling behind back): yo homie, I seen Dook Daddy in tha Wild, Wild Westside lighting up the Gerson.

C-Mack: Word, a fool snitched him out, he was Throwing the heat cuzz he was under investigation by 5-0.

by High Hiter October 30, 2018