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all in

To be totally committed to something.

Possibly originating with gambling games such as Texas Hold 'em style poker, where the maximum 'raise' is to bet your full stack of chips.

If we're gonna do it, let's do it. I'm all in.

by Honor June 24, 2004

233πŸ‘ 39πŸ‘Ž

just good friends

Generally, used as a denial of sexual or romantic intimacy or designs.

Are you two dating?

No. We're just good friends.

by Honor July 15, 2004

14πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

strong suit

A category of endeavor in which one is highly skilled, well prepared, or blessed with natural talent and, therefore, enjoys a high liklihood of success.

From card games relying on making or ditching books or tricks, such as Hearts or Spades. In a making game, for example, if you are holding all or most of the desired cards in a given suit (hearts, spades, diamonds, clubs) then you can be fairly sure of taking a high number of 'books' or plays.

I'm going to need some help getting ready for this test... Math's really not my strong suit.

Get Melanie to talk to her for you... Diplomacy's always been her strong suit.

by Honor June 23, 2004

32πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

fag dyke

A butch lesbian who shows a pronounced preference for other butch women.

Most probably coined because such a relationship defies the woefully myopic & grossly uninformed but no less typical "which one's the man?" question, and produces a couple that bears a resemblance, in straight eyes, to a gay male couple.

Sure, I like a little butch-on-butch action now and then, but I wouldn't say I'm a Fag Dyke.

by Honor March 14, 2005

59πŸ‘ 47πŸ‘Ž

zero tolerance

A "get tough" policy of making no exceptions in regards to a particular (usually criminal or undesirable) matter, born as a response to a general sense of uneaven application of rules and punishments.

To react to a proscribed activity or substance with absolute prejudice... Without regard to mitigating circumstances or conditions.

I don't care if you've got glaucoma, we have a zero tolerance policy to drugs, including marijuana.

We will react to sexism and racism with zero tolerance.

by Honor June 23, 2004

93πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

weasel words

Language designed to sound like something without actually saying anything... Deliberately so ambiguous or watered-down as to be essentially meaningless.

Republicans are in favor of "Strong Family Values"

by Honor February 27, 2005

74πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


chat shorthand - Back In A Bit

biab - gotta feed the cat.

by Honor June 23, 2004

15πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž