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1. To reassess your opinion or thought process.
2. To start off with an opinion and work backwards to prove that opinion.
3. To start over again, once your opinion has changed.

“I always thought it was okay to lie. But I was lied to, and I had to revelop my preconceived notions.”

by Hugh Wards September 7, 2022

Velvet Punch

A term used to describe a betrayal by someone or something considered to be virtuous and then is shown to be the opposite. It leads to a feeling of great unease by a soft movement, like a punch from a velvet boxing glove

“I was watching this comedy and all of a sudden it became serious. It was a real velvet punch”

by Hugh Wards May 17, 2020


The gender neutral collective term for nieces and nephews. Nieces and nephews are to niflings as sisters and brothers are to siblings

I am taking my niflings to the zoo tomorrow.

by Hugh Wards March 24, 2017

Fuck The Fog

A phrase for the wasted potential of a chance opportunity. This opportunity is usually lost due to the lack of appreciation for such a serendipitous moment.

“The camera was so unstable that in the end, I thought ‘fuck the fog’!”

by Hugh Wards January 29, 2020

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squeezing a pound out of a shilling

A phrase used to describe a person who is beyond normal frugality or thriftiness. This person usually refuses to spend money on anything and is disgusted when they are forced to do so. Instead, they rather take any other option to avoid paying for anything.

“She is so cheap and tight fisted. She is squeezing a pound out of a shilling”

by Hugh Wards June 23, 2020

micro progression

A term used to describe improvement over time, whether it is in oneself, a task or a situation. The term denotes a step by step progress of small improvements with each step.

It took me thirty years to become the best. It was a micro progression.

by Hugh Wards June 20, 2020


The desire/urge to read something or anything that is written down. Not out of curiosity for the content that is written, but to read what is written.

Overcome with anagnophilia, he read the back of cereal box as he ate his breakfast.

by Hugh Wards August 31, 2018