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The Forbidden App

A term used by losers to validate their existence because they think they're cool for using an edgy app. The users treat Ifunny likes it's some internet secret that can only be downloaded through a special link when in reality it has been the butt of most internet jokes for the last ten years.

The only instance of this word being used can be seen in feature creatures and accounts with less than 1,000 days, these accounts are mostly Redditors trying to act cool.

"Yea I have this app where all the users agreed never to talk about it outside of the app, we call it The Forbidden App." "Bro we all know you're talking about Ifunny."

"Man feature creatures are still riding with The Forbidden App joke still?" "It's always the accounts with less than 1,000 days too, most likely from Reddit, they should know how to overuse a joke to the point where it's considered abuse."

by Hymen Buster IV October 26, 2020

86👍 211👎

Feature Creatures

A term used for accounts that only use the feature section on Ifunny, users who get called this usually get way too mad, acting as if you just called them a racial slur.

"Feature Creatures really like repeating the same jokes over and over."

by Hymen Buster IV October 26, 2020

34👍 3👎