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record deal

1. Something to be highly suspicious of

2. Something someone offers to a band in order to steal all their songs, their souls and their will to live and then proceed to make alot of money from it.

Band Person: "Someone offered me a record deal today, I rock"
Band person's friend: "Dude, tear it up and burn it"

Music Industry Guy: "Hey kids, you're gonna be rockstars.. if you sign here."
Innocent band: "Ooh, yes please. We'll be rich!"
Music Industry Guy: "Mwaahahahahaha! See you in HELL!"

by I'm not bitter! August 18, 2004

46👍 6👎

winona ryder

A chick who's clearly guilty of kleptomania but is cute enough to get away with it.

Judge: "Well, you're clearly guilty of robbing this bank, but you're cute.. a bit of a Winona Ryder type deal, really. So I'll reduce your setence by 3/4."

by I'm not bitter! August 19, 2004

44👍 59👎