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A smol lil plant. Except it's different. It's a plont.

I watered my smol plont

by I'm trash March 14, 2017

20👍 7👎

March 22nd

The day MCR broke up. The emos cried. Everyone else vanished. The world exploded. No one was o-fucking-kay (they promise)

March 22nd was the worst day of my life

by I'm trash March 14, 2017

225👍 19👎

March 22nd

The day MCR broke up. A very sad day for fans. We all cry.

March 22nd was tragic

by I'm trash March 14, 2017

93👍 7👎

a splitting of the mind

a online book that will tear your heart out. a freared book that will actually kill you.

"yo did you read a splitting of the mind?" "don't even bring it up."

by I'm trash October 7, 2016

85👍 4👎