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A cyclist is a lazy cunt who can't be bothered walking, while pretending to be morally superior because they don't drive.

Oh for fuck sake, how many cyclists have I had to try and get past today?

by I Hate Political Correctness November 26, 2019

42👍 63👎


A comedian is someone who is supposed to be funny.

Is she supposed to be a comedian? I didn't realise.

by I Hate Political Correctness February 9, 2018

14👍 5👎


The wokestapo are a left wing version of the Gestapo, who spend most of their time looking for anyone or anything that doesn't match their pc/progressive/woke view of how everyone should behave. What they do next depends on how offended they are, or how offended they are on other people's behalf. Their actions can include snitching on people, complaining, social media campaigns to get them banned or sacked, protests, or left wing lynch mobs.

I better not say what I really think about that or the wokestapo will come after me.

by I Hate Political Correctness May 30, 2021

14👍 14👎

Forced Diversity

When someone is included for no other reason than to please the woke brigade.

Film Director: "This film about the history of Eskimos just isn't diverse enough. Get the casting agent to find a few black lesbians, and we'll create a storyline for them."

Film Producer: "But wouldn't that be, like, forced diversity?"

Film Director: "Who cares, the liberals will love it, and we'll be eligible for Oscar nominations next year".

by I Hate Political Correctness April 22, 2021

1107👍 46👎


An advert is a short video where blacks, whites, other ethnicities and homosexual people interact in unrealistic ways while occasionally making reference to a product.

I didn't realize there were so many interracial and homosexual couples in the world today. Adverts are so educational. I think I will buy more products as I enjoy being lectured by them all the time.

by I Hate Political Correctness November 7, 2021

7👍 4👎


(UK) An advert is a short video clip that is shown between television programmes, featuring mostly non-white people (unless it's old white people advertising funeral plans), biracial families, women doing manly things, and men looking after children and cleaning up.

What was that advert advertising? I don't know, whatever it was, they've put me off it.

by I Hate Political Correctness September 12, 2021

3👍 5👎

Widely debunked

"Widely debunked" is a phrase used by people on the left, particularly in politics or the media, to imply that a "conspiracy theory" has been thoroughly investigated and been proven to be false. In reality this is rarely the case and the phrase is used to give the false impression that something has been debunked so that shallow thinking people accept that the so-called conspiracy theory is false without further thought or investigation.

Part of the debunking process involves taking the parts of the theory that are easiest to ridicule, and making them sound worse, while ignoring the very feasible parts of the claim. By repeating this process throughout mainstream media and creating an echo-chamber, the "conspiracy theory" quickly becomes nothing more than a "damaging lie" pushed by "right wing extremists".

"Pizzagate/vaccine dangers/great reset theory/any other non-left wing story was widely debunked. Nobody has actually proved that there wasn't some truth behind it, but because we say it is widely debunked, it was widely debunked. So stop asking questions about it and go away."

by I Hate Political Correctness May 24, 2022

3👍 2👎