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Fighting Demons

When your belly juices start bubbling and toxic liquids start controlling your insides. Often leads to inexplicable diarrhea and a sick, twisted feeling, which is then relieved by fighting the demons and releasing them into the toilet. However, you still may feel a painful aftermath.

"President Trump, if you see this, please save us!" *fighting demons* *emotional diarrhea noises*

by I Thik U Stupid April 17, 2022

4👍 4👎

Negative Rizz

Also called opposing rizz or fatal rizz, this is when (usually) a male has so much potential, or free rizz, that his kinetic rizz is greatly reduced, therefore leading to him being a friendzone target amongst the opposite gender or the gender which he is attracted to (which can be multiple).

Joshuan's multiple exploding farts that were loud created a temporary, yet significant drop in his rizz, causing him to not only earn negative rizz in his current environment, but also great disapproval from his peers due to the stink of his bomb.

by I Thik U Stupid November 17, 2022

17👍 8👎