Source Code

error: no keyboard detected. press F5 to continue

Well? What are you waiting for? Do it!

Error: no keyboard detected. Press F5 to continue.

by I ain't tellin you NoTHIN'! July 21, 2006

73πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž

boston celtics

Used to be the most kick-ass basketball team ever, but now they've slipped, what's up?

Pierce gets a ring, and I swear someone can kiss my ass.

Boston Celtics

by I ain't tellin you NoTHIN'! July 23, 2006

292πŸ‘ 158πŸ‘Ž

click here and win a million dollars

Boy, are you gullible.

"Click here and win a million dollars."

by I ain't tellin you NoTHIN'! July 21, 2006

87πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž

San Diego Chargers

The worst NFL team ever.

Oh, the Browns play the San Diego Chargers next, so that's a win right there!

by I ain't tellin you NoTHIN'! July 21, 2006

99πŸ‘ 349πŸ‘Ž

rap is crap

Phrase created by stereotypical, nigga-hatin', punk-rock lovin, cracker-ass bitches who haven't heard true rap.

White guy: "Rap is crap."

Other guys: "You just say that because you haven't heard true rap." (puts in Mos Def)

White guy: "Ohh...Okay I change my mind."

by I ain't tellin you NoTHIN'! July 23, 2006

66πŸ‘ 123πŸ‘Ž

leonard washington

The badass dude on Chappelle's Show played by none other than...Dave Chappelle.

"My name is Leonard Washington. Where I'm from...there's a little town called none of ya god damn dusiness."

by I ain't tellin you NoTHIN'! July 21, 2006

131πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž


Strong ass weed, song made popular by Purple Ribbon (who are da shit), and Superman's worst nightmare.

When Superman hears the song Kryptonite, he takes a baseball bat and starts whamming the crap out of the stereo.

by I ain't tellin you NoTHIN'! July 21, 2006

290πŸ‘ 251πŸ‘Ž