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When someone has been made into a victim by being tricked into witnessing something so absolutely unimaginably horrifying that the image will forever be burned into their memory

He's never been the same since he witnitized his parents having sex.

She was witnitized when that weirdo flashed her in the park.

Being witnitized is the worst! That image will forever be burned into your brain.

by I am Multiplied February 2, 2017

Baka Baka Baka

When someone is saying something that you really just don't want to hear or just rambling on and on that it makes you look at them say ( while moving your hand like a mouth) "Oh my God! Baka Baka Baka"

Baka Baka Baka that's all I ever here when she is talking.

He has a case of the Baka Baka's today. He just won't shut up.

by I am Multiplied September 5, 2018

4👍 3👎


When someone has a reputation for being with girls that have a fishy smelling "taco"

I was going to go out with him but then I found out that he has a lot of fishtory and I couldn't do it.

by I am Multiplied December 20, 2022


A selfie taken with a drone.

Man, did u see the drofie he posted yesterday? It was bad ass!

She broke her phone so now she's started taking drofies instead

Dude! It was bad enough when She was always taking selfies. But now she's started taking drofies! She needs a support group.

by I am Multiplied August 11, 2019

1👍 1👎

Lot Gator

A male prostitute that frequents truck stops

"The finally found some Lot Gators for the female truckers"
" It's about time! "

by I am Multiplied April 12, 2023


Smaste -(smell/taste) - can be experienced from a distance that no human is capable of imagining. It brings thoughts of a maggot infested wound from some kind of flesh rotting disease. It's smell, flavor, and appearance all blend into one unsettling heap that even the depths of hell don't want.

The plumber said under my house was so horrible he could smaste it.

I don't know what happened in that house but you could smaste it 3 blocks away.

Oh my god when that guy farted in the elevator everyone could smaste it. It was awful.

by I am Multiplied March 14, 2019