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Fapple is the child-friendly version of the word Fuck. The best trick to keep kids from saying bad words is to say the word, "Apple" after every curse.

Once the kid gets older, he/she will use Fapple in place of the word Fuck in their speech. It isn't technically a swear word so parents can suck it...

It works, trust me...

Fapple me running, the Vikings actually won that game...

by I am depressed... February 1, 2011

11👍 36👎

I'm fine

Mostly used by sad or depressed people.

And yes I did up-vote my post. x3

Family: Hey, are you okay you seem sad?
Me: I'm fine, just tired...
Family: Okay just making sure.

by I am depressed... September 28, 2018

341👍 21👎