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Republican Party

A large collection of monkeys, disguised as politicians, that occasionally might write/say something moderatly intelligent.
More often, however, they elect the dumbest and richest monkey as their representative, speak incoherent nonsense that MIGHT have the word "democracy" in it (if they can pronounce it) to sway the populous, and enjoy watching their country crumble faster than George Bush in an interview with big words.....

Essentially, your unfriendly neighborhood village idiots, with nice suits.

Person with IQ over 125: Why would you vote for the Republican Party when their only concern is to remain in power?

Person with IQ of 100: Hmmm, you're right, there is something fishy about them......

Person with IQ of 80: I think I get more money out of it..

Person with IQ of less than 65: They asked me to join, thats why!

by I love lamp...... September 22, 2012

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