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Valery is a wonderful short girl! She loves getting hugged and her heart is very fragile. If you’re valerys Bestfriend or friend you are lucky to have her as one! She’ll care for you and she’ll always have your back no matter what happens to her! She is a very good singer and she has lots of talents that others don’t know ! Valery has a sweet tooth so hand her anything that has sweets in it or sourness! She is beautiful,and kind! Also she has a very good personality and she is a person to date cause she is loyal and loving. Her smile will make anyone’s day. Valery loves to make others happy cause it makes her happy. She’ll try to make your day when you are sad, she will try her best to make you happy even if it takes all day or night! Valery is a really good kisser as you can tell. Every guy would want her as their girlfriend but she doesn’t Always go for the looks she goes for the personality but just a little bit of looks. Valery loves getting hugs from people cause it makes her feel better! Even though if she’s sad or mad she’ll still try to make others happy so she could also be happy too. She will deny that she isn’t beautiful when she is !

Boy: Wow valery is a beautiful girl!
Girl: I know right she’s also a great Bestfriend!
Boy 2: I want to date her.

by Idek anonymous October 2, 2018

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