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To be a white knighting cuck who would jump to defense of anything with a vagina in any video comments section. More likely to vote Democrat, champions social justice and have low intelligence.

Hieian types are often found in the YouTube comments sections.

by Idiot Finder October 27, 2019

13👍 2👎


A word that gets thrown around in discussions in order to discredit an opposing side, sometimes for stating facts that one side couldn't refute. Often used by individuals to project and can be a gateway to Ad hominem.

Person 1: You're spewing nonsense and being disingenuous.

Person 2: I provided information and sources and you choose to ignore it, how am I being disingenuous?

Person 1: So.....you're not disingenuous. You're just full of shit.

Person 2: *facepalm* What does it even means anymore?

by Idiot Finder April 8, 2020

9👍 11👎