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get a life

An order given to a person by someone else, usually online, that requires the person to turn off his computer and go find someone else to spend time with as soon as possible. The person who gives the order holds the belief that humans who have the audacity of spending time by themselves and not while accompanied by other humans, shame the whole human race and, therefore, must be prompted to do what is socially required of them. Reflects the modern belief that you're nothing if you like being alone.

Usually addressed to people in complete unawareness of their actual level of sociability.

Why do you want me to give an example? Like seriously. Get a life and leave me alone.

by Insert Nickname Here June 21, 2010

97👍 38👎


Person who has less than 5% of the average user's number of interventions in an online community (sometimes even 0 interventions), yet seems to know everything about everyone. He's the one saving all of your Myspace photos in his computer without ever leaving a comment on them. After a week of lurking, he learns the ways of an online community better than very old members of it.

In real life, a lurker is a person who "happens" to overhear the most intimate of conversations and witness some key moments without many people even noticing he's there.

It's the 3925th time (random number) I go on Urban Dictionary, but the first time I post a definition. I guess that makes me a lurker.

by Insert Nickname Here June 21, 2010

37👍 3👎


A condition that is not considered a disease by the medical community, yet a vocal minority who has never met children younger than 12 claims it to be so. Contrary to popular belief, it is not restricted to the female gender.

Virginity? Ew. You're nothing until you get laid.

by Insert Nickname Here June 21, 2010

21👍 76👎